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How To Remove Blackheads Naturally With Toothpaste

Author : Efrain S.

So, then. Blackheads… yup. I have been there with some of my family members. And I know you probably have been, too. Heck, if not, you would probably not be here. So let me help you.

First of all, I would like for you to just know that white toothpaste is what you need to get for this… yes, not gel toothpaste ( so if you went and got the gel kind, he heh, then run back to the store real quick and show the clerk your receipt for an exchange…. if, of course, you have not opened or tampered with the product, in which case you would actually need to just buy a new one ) . So remember. White.

Now, then. You want to get a very plain type of paste, as well, not a toothpaste labeled for being extra sensitive or whitening, etc. Just plain ( or at most, lightly mint – flavored, but that is all, if you must insist, he he he heh ) . Wash up your face in a couple minutes. Take another minute or two to dry it off well. Then, put some tiny dabs of the toothpaste on those areas where blackhead has affected it, all in all. Go and continue with your regular daily business to give the toothpaste a chance to dry up on your face, until it is really fully dried up and you can obviously feel it, he heh.

Once dry, just use your fingers to very gently rub it around… yup, around your face and skin. Move that dry toothpaste all over. This takes the blackheads out of your pores and is the next step to your success in the process. Now, then, after doing that, I need you to please wash your face again after another half hour or so. This rinses you off, and then, of course, you ought to dry your face with a towel and continue on with your day or night. Feel free to repeat the process again the next day, for continued effect, and to really get things into motion here. Try to aim for once a day… make it a habit until you start to see those results you want.

Just remember that once a day, on that note, is more than enough to do this…. if you do it again in the same day, it can actually dry your face off too much. I live in a really dry state, and here, there is not much moisture in the air, so I only wash and clean my face once daily. Otherwise it can get too dry, rugged and eventually “cracky” and not as optimal in appearance as usual. So it’s just another thing to keep in mind here. I wish you the best of luck in clearing out your blackheads, and know that you are not the only one struggling.